Cleaning Wood Furniture Properly So It Lasts Lifetime


Cleaning Wood Furniture Properly So It Lasts Lifetime 

Join us to find out everything about wood furniture maintenance!

One of the big advantages of having wood furniture is that can always look as if it is brand new even if it has been for decades in your home! However, if you want to achieve this you must know how to properly take care of it! 

If you are thinking that wood furniture is out of style, it may come as a surprise to you that we are talking about it.  The truth is that, even though people were choosing other materials for some years, natural wood is making its way back into the world of interior design.  There is a big reason for it -   besides being exceptionally durable, wood furniture for the home is something that is always appealing to the eyes.  Another reason why people like it is because it keeps looking as you just bought it, even if you have it for years.  Of course, to achieve this you need to learn how to properly clean wood furniture regardless of the type of finish. 

Now, a lot of people fear that process of cleaning wood furniture design is complicated. However, there are many ways to do it without a lot of effort. One of the best things you can do is to ask a salesperson if there are some particular things you need to know.  That is important because each type of wood is different and thus requires a different type of care.  However, this is not always simple, as sometimes we inherit the furniture or get it as a gift.  That is why we talked with people who know about this topic and compiled the list of tips on how to clean wood furniture, and which  home care products we should use. 

How to Clean Wood Furniture? 

How to Properly Dust Furniture?  

When it comes to cleaning wood furniture, you need to know that regular dusting is paramount.  Dust can create airborne deposits that can if you don't remove them, cause permanent damage to the surface of the furniture. Besides, dust can also be harmful to you or your loved ones, especially if someone has asthma or some other problem of the respiratory tract.  If you want wood furniture to last long you need to catch and remove dust, not just scatter it around. The best way to do that is by using a slightly wet microfiber cloth. But keep in mind that you need to squeeze out all the water from it because otherwise, it can damage the wood. If there is some moisture after you finish dusting remove it with a dry terrycloth.  You can also use some other tools like an ostrich feather duster, lint-free cloths,   treated cloths, lamb wool duster, etc. 

Cleaning Wood Furniture


Some people are wondering why wax wood furniture?! Well, the answer is pretty simple – if applied correctly wax is the best thing to protect the furniture and make sure that it maintains the 'new' look for a long time.  Manufacturers usually use varnish or shellac when wood furniture is dry. It serves to protect the pieces. The wax provides the best protection to this type of finish and it is more durable than any other spray or polish. 

Deep Cleaning 

Regardless of whether you bought your piece at the yard sale, or in the store, there is a chance that it will need deep cleaning from time to time.  Here is what you should do if you assessed that  the piece you bought is due for deep clean:

·         Dust it first. 

 ·         After that, make a solution of lukewarm water and soap, and soak a cloth in it. Then drain all the water out of it and gently remove the dirt.

 ·         If there is some persistent dirt after, use a cleaning product

 ·         Finally, go over your piece of wood furniture with wax to get that extra shine. 


If you decide to get wood furniture for your home, you definitely won't regret it, because it makes a wonderful addition to any interior. But as you could see, if you want it to stay that way you have to make sure to clean it regularly and adequately. How do you take care of the furniture in your home? In the end, if you liked this text and are just considering buying new furniture, we recommend you to get informed on what wood furniture is best.

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